


We would like to thank you for your continued understanding and support in the operations and management of Aichi Prefectural Art Theater.

As of April 1, 2024, Yoshio Asano assumed the position of House Manager who is in charge of services regarding facility operation and utilization, and Eri Karatsu assumed the position of Artistic Director who is in charge of planning and production, including programs and performances organized by the theater. The House Manager,who is experienced in stage technology and theater management, and the Artistic Director, who is a producer of performing arts and an advocate of “fair creation,” will work together to ensure a safe and secure operation of the theater and share the level of creativity that Aichi has to offer the world.



これからも、多くの皆さまの素敵な笑顔を創造する施設として、利用される場合も、お客様としてご来場いただく場合も満足いただける劇場を目指してまいります。劇場へのお越しを心からお待ちいたしております。 表で皆さまをお見送りしている私を見掛けましたら、お気軽にお声がけくださいませ。

浅野 芳夫

Message from the House Manager
Our three distinctive theaters and other facilities have long been loved by everyone. We would like to thank you for your support. We will continue to strive to be a theater that brings smiles to the faces of many people, whether they are using our venue or visiting as an audience member. We sincerely look forward to seeing you at the theater. If you see me out front seeing you off, please feel free to talk to me!

Aichi Prefectural Art Theater House Manager
Yoshio Asano



愛知県芸術劇場では30余年にわたり、ダンスのプロデューサーとして様々な企画に関わる中で多くの方にご来場いただき、観客の皆様と制作者の関係を超えた大切な繋がりを得ることができました。かけがえのない財産ができたことを心より感謝しております。 一方で、まだご縁がなく、愛知県芸術劇場に足を運んだことのない方もいらっしゃいます。気軽に劇場に来ていただけるように様々な工夫を行うとともに、オープンな企画や新たな試みを行なってまいりたいと考えています。皆様のご来場をお待ちしています。

唐津 絵理

Message from the Artistic Director
Over the past 30 years at the Aichi Prefectural Art Theater, I have been involved in various projects as a producer in dance, where many audience members joined me in witnessing and experiencing these projects and performances. Through these experiences, I have cultivated a wonderful connection with audience members that goes beyond the conventional relationship between visitor and producer. I am sincerely grateful to have and experience something so precious. On the other hand, there are still some people who have not yet had the opportunity to meet us and visit Aichi Prefectural Art Theater. We plan on making various efforts that will make it easier for people to come by the theater, as well as host public and accessible projects and keep offering new programs. We look forward to seeing you at our theater.

Aichi Prefectural Art Theater Artistic Director
Eri Karatsu








浅野 芳夫(あさの よしお)

1994年、稲沢市民会館立ち上げ時に、稲沢市民会館準備室内稲沢市民会館管理協会に入社。その後、稲沢市公共施設管理協会稲沢市民会館事務所主査兼管理グループリーダーを経て、2014年、公益財団法人愛知県文化振興事業団に舞台技術グループチーフマネージャー として入社。16年から劇場運営部長。20年から愛知県芸術劇場副館長兼劇場運営部長。21年から館長兼舞台技術部長、23年から館長兼劇場運営部長。24年7月から常務理事 愛知県芸術劇場支配人兼劇場運営部長。

House Manager, Yoshio Asano Biography
In 1994, he joined the Inazawa Shimin Kaikan Management Association within the Inazawa Shimin Kaikan Preparation Office at the time of Inazawa Shimin Kaikan’s launch. He later became the group leader of Inazawa Public Facility Management Association Inazawa Shimin Kaikan Office and Management Group. He then joined Aichi Arts Foundation as a Group Chief Manager in the House Operation Department in 2014. In 16, he became Director of the House Operation Department. In 20, he became Deputy Manager of Aichi Prefectural Art Theater and Director of the House Operation Department. In 21, he became General Manager of the Theater and Director of the Theater Technology Department. In 23, he became General Manager of the Theater and Director of the House Operation Department. Since July 24, he has been serving as a Managing Director, House Manager of Aichi Prefectural Art Theater, and Director of the House Operation Department.








唐津 絵理(からつ えり)

21年よりDance Base Yokohamaアーティスティックディレクターも務め、愛知県芸術劇場との官民連携を行うことで、日本の舞台環境の改善を目指している。なかでもフェアトレードの考え方を引用した言葉「フェアクリエイション」を生み出し、創作環境の整備に向けて取り組む。これらの多様な活動が、芸術振興の意味や方法を改めて問い直す契機として高い評価を受け、令和4年度(第73回)芸術選奨文部科学大臣賞(芸術振興部門) 受賞。著書に『身体の知性』等。
24年7月から常務理事 芸術監督(アーティスティックディレクター)。

Artistic Director, Eri Karatsu Biography
Graduated from Ochanomizu University, Faculty of Letters and Education, Department of Dance Education, and completed the Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences of the same university. After a career as a performer, Karatsu worked at the Aichi Arts Center as Japan’s first dance curator from 1993. She received the first Asahi Arts Award as a member of Aichi Prefectural Arts Promotion Service in 2003. She was the performing arts curator for the Aichi Triennale from 2010 to 2016. She became Aichi Prefectural Art Theater’s Senior Producer in 2014, Executive Producer in 2022, and Artistic Director in April 2024. She has produced and invited over 200 productions and projects ranging from large-scale international co-productions to experimental performances. Many of the works that she produced have received significant awards. She has organized numerous Japan tours that originate from Aichi and have been invited from various festivals and theaters in France, Hong Kong, and the United States.
Since 2021, she has been the Artistic Director of Dance Base Yokohama. Through a public-private partnership between Aichi Prefectural Art Theater and Dance Base Yokohama, she has been working to improve the creative work environment in Japan. In particular, she has crafted the concept “fair creation,” which draws from the word fair trade, to build a better infrastructure for creative activities. Her diverse initiatives that challenge how and why we need to develop the arts were recognized, as she received the 73rd Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Art Encouragement Prize in 2022. Her written work includes L’intelligence du corps.
Since July 2021, she has been serving as a Managing Director and Artistic Director of Aichi Prefectural Art Theater.